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countries, Cryptocurrencies

Is cryptocurrency dead in Hawaii? 

Is cryptocurrency dead in Hawaii? HONOLULU (KHON2) — The bill that would have established a program for the licensure, regulation and oversight of digital currency companies in Hawaii was indefinitely deferred. It’s unfortunate news for the cryptocurrency companies participating in the Digital Currency Innovation Lab…

ARII, Aristo, Cryptocurrencies


WHAT ARE CRYPTOCURRENCIES? A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that can be used for transactions online. It is the internet’s version of money – unique pieces of digital property that can be transferred from one person to another. All crytocurrencies use ‘blockchain’ and one can…


Fidelity Hiring For 12,000 More Jobs 

Fidelity Hiring For 12,000 More Jobs; Investing Further In Cryptocurrency After Bitcoin 401(K) Announcement BOSTON (CBS) — Boston-based investment firm Fidelity says it is going on a hiring spree, just after making a major announcement about cryptocurrency. The company says it is creating more than…